Talks About Cars

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Kumho Lavender-Scented Tires

South Korean tire manufacturer Kumho has recently unveiled a lavender-scented surprise---the Ecsta DX Aroma which is an all-season tire in 9 sizes that is according to Kumho spokesman Charles van Heusden.

He also said, "We use different waxes and emoluments that protect tires against ozone and UV rays. After a year of research, we developed an aromatic compound that can be incorporated into those ingredients. It helps to eliminate that heavy rubber smell that many customers hate when they enter a tire store. These tires smell pretty good, and the fragrance lasts about two years."

The current available scent is lavender but according to Mr. van Heusden the company will also offer other scents like orange and jasmine. The prices of the Ecsta DX Aroma range from $90 to $110 per tire. These scented tires are specifically designed for women driving female friendly cars such as Toyota Camry, Subaru Outback, Honda Accord, Chrysler Sebring, and Ford Taurus. However any man is also welcomed to purchase the tires.

But according to Seth Engelhardt senior assistant manager of the Discount Tire Store at Middle Belt and Seven Mile in Livonia, "We're sold out of stock several times. One lady asked for them because she kept her garbage in the garage and it smelled. She said the lavender tires made a world of difference. The Ecsta DX is a very nice riding tire to begin with; the only difference is they just happen to smell good."

Aside from the lavender-scented tires, the Ecsta SPT is also available. It is a tire that produces red, blue or yellow smoke and is commonly used in organized drifting and drag-racing burnout events.

posted by Marley Jones at 12:54 AM

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